Frequently Asked Questions on Data Protection

We have collected and answered questions that could be of interest to you.  Feel free to contact us for more information.

Everybody who processes personal data can benefit from our consulting services.  However, our services are most effective if you already have someone in your organization who has been appointed to deal with this subject and who can act as a contact person.

Data Protection covers all types of data processing.  The need to protect data is universal, but it is of particular importance when personal data are processed or the fundamental right to privacy protection is affected.  A legal framework involving laws and regulations defines the requirements that all companies must meet to be compliant.

The fundamentals of Data Protection are regulated in the EU General Data Protection Regulation since 2018.  This Regulation focuses on the protection and processing of personal data.  It is based on the principle that every person has a fundamental right to the protection of his or her privacy – similar to other fundamental (human) rights.

A Data Protection Officer is tasked with informing and advising on all subjects related to Data Protection, with checking and ensuring compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, and with acting as a contact person with supervisory authorities.

A Data Protection Officer is required if an non-governmental organization processes special categories of data (such as e.g. tracking data, observation of persons, data on health or data criminal convictions) on a large scale.

Governmental organizations (except Courts of Law) must always have a Data Protection Officer.

In Germany, a Data Protection Officer is also required if an organization has more than 20 employees who process personal data on a regular basis.